Pause, Resume, Lock, and Reset Assessments

Teachers can pause, resume, lock, and reset assessments that have been started (but are not finished) by using the Lock feature. Additionally, teachers can perform these actions for scored assessments.

This provides flexibility for students leaving the classroom, such as for a family emergency, fire drills, resetting when an incorrect assessment is taken, or a student inadvertently submits an assessment prior to completion.

Pause and Resume for One Student

A student may need to leave the classroom while a teacher is giving an assessment. For example, if a parent comes to school to remove the student to go to an appointment, the teacher can pause the assessment so that the student can return and complete the assessment underway.

To pause an assessment in progress, the teacher taps the unlocked icon next to the student name. This will change the icon to the locked icon. When the student goes to the assessment summary, she will be locked out of the assessment. The student cannot see it or do further work on it. Other app functionality is available to the student during this period.

Once the teacher resumes the assessment, the student can then complete the assessment from where he left off.

In the app, the teacher will see the students who have the assessment unlocked.

Tap the Started icon next to the student’s name to pause the assessment. In this example, it shows that Timothy has already started the assessment.

Lock a started assessment

His teacher can now tap Lock Assessment for Student and tap Okay to pause the assessment. To reset the assessment entirely, choose Reset Assessment for Student.

The Unlock icon changes to the Lock icon to show that the assessment is locked for the student.

For paused assessments, Teachers can see the Lock icon on the Assessment Manager screen and see the number of students that have started.

Pause and Resume Entire Class

Teachers can also pause and resume an assessment for an entire class. For example, if a fire drill commences and the classroom is forced to evacuate during an assessment, tap the Lock All button which will pause the assessment for the entire class. Resume the entire class once the fire drill has completed. Other app functionality is available to the student during this period. Teachers can also continue scoring submitted assessments during the pause.

Lock and Reset One Student After Scoring

In cases where a student accidentally submits an assessment, the teacher can lock and reset for that student. While the teacher may have scored and released the assessment, she can still reset the assessment for just one student. Tapping the Reset Assessment for Student button for one student will lock the assessment and reset all the data so that the assessment can be taken over again from the beginning.

Lock and Reset Entire Class After Scoring

If an incorrect assessment was taken by the entire class and the teacher realizes the error, even after scores have been released, she can reset the scored assessment. At another time in the future, she can restart the assessment. Tapping the Reset All button will lock all the assessments and reset all the data so that the entire class can take the assessment over again from the beginning. You will need to confirm the reset.

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