Math Assessment Symbol Palette

Some math assessments require that you enter a symbol to answer the question correctly. You can use the symbol palette or keyboard shortcuts.

Symbol Palette

To use the symbol palette in a math assessment, click in the answer box.

Click the More button in the symbol palette to see more symbols and operators. Click the Less button in the expanded symbol palette to return to the simple symbol palette.

Keyboard Shortcuts

To use this symbol... Enter this shortcut... For example:
+ (plus) Plus sign 2 + 3
- (minus) Dash 2 - 3
= (equal) Equal sign 22 = 4
• (multiplication dot)

* (asterisk)

For example: 2 * 3

2 • 3


For example: 2 \times 3

2 x 3
÷ \divide 2 ÷ 3
< (less than) Left angle sign 2 < 3
≤ (less than or equal to)

< = (left angle sign and an equal sign)

For example: 2 <= 3

2 ≥ 3
> Right angle sign 3 > 2

> = (right angle sign and an equal sign)

For example: 3 >= 2

3 ≥ 2
<> (left and right angle signs) 3 ≠ 2

Important Tips

  • When entering math symbols, it is best to use the symbol palette provided, otherwise your answer may not be marked as correct.
    • Multiplication symbol: When you need to enter a multiplication symbol, do not use the letter “x” from the keyboard, a “bullet,” or small dot. While these entries may look correct, they will not be recognized as correct. Use the multiplication symbol on the symbol palette or type an * (asterisk) from your keyboard. (See acceptable keyboard entries in the table above.)
    • Negative sign: When you need to enter a negative sign, do not use the _ (underscore). You may use the minus sign or hyphen from your keyboard.
    • Parentheses: Don’t forget to enter parentheses in your answer where needed. The opening parentheses will display in red until you have entered the closing parentheses.
  • Spaces: When entering numbers, it’s important not to enter spaces between the digits. For example, when entering the number twelve (12), do not enter a space between the one and the two (1 2). The extra space will make your answer incorrect.

    If you enter a space between a number and a symbol, however, the spaces will be ignored by the program:

    • 2 + 3 (with spaces) will be scored the same as 2+3 (without spaces)
    • 2 < 3 (with spaces) will be scored the same as 2<3 (without spaces)
  • Do not copy and paste answers or symbols from other programs or locations on your computer. The symbol palette and the keyboard provide everything you need.
  • Do not use letters (such as a lower case L or an upper case i) for the number one.
  • You can use the tab key or the arrow keys on the palette or on the keyboard to move your cursor in the answer box.
  • Use the un-do and re-do arrows to remove your entry and then put it back.
  • Use the Clear All button at the bottom of the player window to delete everything you have entered in the answer box.