Discussion Assignments

Discussion assignments are prompts that your teacher can assign to you. By participating in discussions, you can reflect on learning, share ideas and opinions, or ask and answer questions. Discussions may require you to answer individual questions or give multiple responses to an ongoing discussion.

Assigned discussions are available in your Assignments list.

Complete Your Discussion Assignment

  1. You will see your Discussions on the Home Page in your Assignment list. Alternatively, you can select Classes on the top menu bar.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the Assignments tab, choose the assignment that contains the discussion.

    • Select Discuss to the right of Assignments, and then select the discussion you want to open.
    • Press the Pointful links, if available, in the discussion prompt which navigates you to the CourseArc contents (read-only) for the course details and instructions.

      The below box appears.

      • Press OK button to open the CourseArc page in another browser tab.

      • Press Cancel button to abort the function and stay back in the Discussion Prompt page.

  3. Read the discussion text your teacher has included at the top, and then select Create a response to respond.

    You can also scroll through all the responses and then type your response in the text box at the bottom of the page before selecting on Submit my response.

  4. Type your comment in the box. You can use the available formatting options to alter your text.

  5. Optionally, do one or more of the following:

Comments cannot be added to discussions that are past the due date.

See Also