Search for Content

Select the search icon on the top menu bar of any page beside the Help icon, and enter a keyword in Search for content to find the content in Realize.

Let's say you're attending a biology class and you're studying the "Energy" topic. You want to see what content is available to help you learn about it. Energy would be the keyword that you type into the Search for content box. You'll get results listing many items that you can select and possibly download to assist you in your studies.

  • Use the Filters button next to the Search box to refine the results by one or more subcategories. When you press Filters, a dropdown menu appears with the options to refine your search.
  • Select the 3-dot next to any result to find out more info about the content, you can add that content to a playlist, and customize.

  • Select an item to open it in the content viewer, and select Exit to return to the search results.

See Also