Manage Schedules

The Schedules page lists all of your report data schedules in one location so you can easily review, edit, or delete a schedule.

Edit a Schedule

  1. On the Manage menu, click Schedules. Use the column sort features to help you locate the schedule you want to review or edit.
  2. Click (Edit) for the chosen schedule and follow the same guidelines you used to set up the dashboard or report schedule.
  3. Review and edit any field in the existing schedule.
  4. Click Filters (Edit) to change the filter set for the scheduled report data. After changing the parameters, click Save.
  5. Click Save to keep your changes. To return to the Schedules page without saving your changes, click Back at the top, and then choose Discard Changes.

Delete a Schedule

  1. Click the Manage menu, and select Schedules.
  2. Use the column sort features to help you locate the schedule you want to delete.
  3. Click (Delete) for the chosen schedule.
  4. In the Delete Schedule confirmation, click Delete or Cancel.

See Also