System Requirements

These specifications are intended strictly as a guideline. They were developed in an environment free from network congestion, resource contention, and aggressive security measures. Consider the minimum requirements applicable only if your workstations use a minimally configured and supported operating system, a minimally configured virus scanner, and only this Savvas application. See SuccessMaker System Requirements Overview for additional information.

Desktop or Laptop Workstations

Operating System and Browser

  Operating System   Browser Version (or latest)
Windows® 11 Edge 124 or later
Windows® 11 Chrome 124 or later
Windows® 11 Firefox 125 or later

Windows® 10

Edge 124 or later
Windows® 10 Chrome 124 or later
Windows® 10 Firefox 125 or later
Chrome OS™ Chrome 124 or later
Mac OS® (Ventura & Sonoma) Safari 16.5 or later
Mac OS® 12.x (Monterey) Safari 15.6 or later
iOS® 17.5.1 Default
iOS® 16.7.8 Default
iOS® 15.8.2 Default
Android 13 Chrome 124 or later

Desktop Hardware

  • CPU: Dual Core for clients with a processor less than 4Ghz

  • RAM: Minimum 4GB (8GB recommended)

  • Any speakers or stereo headphones

    • Griffin iMic USB audio adapter is suggested for Mac OS X clients.

  • Microphone with noise canceling

    All audio devices, including sound cards, on-board audio chipsets, and USB based headsets require recommended OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) device drivers. Using Windows-based generic high definition or third-party audio devices may cause performance issues during reading or math sessions.

  • Screen Resolution: SuccessMaker content was designed for a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 dp. Lower resolutions may cause content to be cut off in some instances.


Operating System and Browser

Mobile Operating System Browser Version (or latest)
Windows® 10 (excluding Windows RT) Edge 99 or later
Windows 10 Chrome 99 or later
Windows 10 Firefox 98 or later
Chrome OS™ 99 Chrome 99 or later
iOS 13 or later Safari 13 or later
Android 12 Chrome 99 or later
Android 11 Chrome 99 or later

Mobile Hardware

Portrait mode for tablets is not supported. If students attempt to run the courseware in portrait mode, some text and images may not display properly.

For more information about mobile access, see the SuccessMaker Mobile Access Guide.

Browser Settings

  • JavaScript must be enabled.

  • Normal browsing mode enabled (private or incognito browsing mode is not supported).

  • Cookies must be enabled for https://*

Fluency is not supported with Safari and Firefox. For fluency recording in an HTTPS environment, use Chrome.

Bandwidth Requirements

School or District Model

All reading and math content is cacheable. Cache server implementations and maintenance are the responsibility of the school or district.

Home Model

  • Wireless Spectrum: 802.11ac or 802.11n (5 GHz spectrum recommended)

  • Internet Bandwidth: SuccessMaker requires a broadband connection with a minimum connection speed of 1.5 Mb/s (Megabit) with reliable throughput.

    • In properly configured networks, wireless should be acceptable with 15 to 30 stations per access point.

    • Estimates are based on product traffic only, without overhead.

Firewall Settings

Web Filtering Device Exceptions

See SuccessMaker: Approved / Allowed URL list for information about URLs that should be Approved / Allowed for SuccessMaker.