College and Career Readiness Instructional Strategy

SuccessMaker provides College and Career Readiness content emphasizing strong coverage of on-grade-level academic content and special features designed to help learners transition their habits, practices and ways of thinking:

  • Learning objectsClosed and instructional items to address standards essential for the development of major cluster standards in math.

  • More rigorous questions and instructional feedback in the Math course to better address the demands for increased levels of complexity in questions and interactions with text.

  • Alignment of course content to ensure that students encounter instruction at the right grade level.

  • In Math, the content is cohesive and coherent, carefully connecting learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. A balance of conceptual understanding, procedural skill, and fluency and application of skills in problem solving situations is required.

SuccessMaker Math Overview