Reading Scaffolding and Reteach

If the student is struggling with the content of a Reading default lesson, Adaptive Motion makes the following decisions about a student’s progress through the course:

  • To provide additional Scaffolding activities in an effort to support the student in this content area. If the decision is made to present Scaffolding, it occurs at the end of the lesson.

  • To place an activity in Reteach, whereby the student takes a break from the content that is too challenging. The content is presented again later after the student has had the opportunity to receive instruction elsewhere or acquire the skill through maturation while the delayed activity is on hold. Once Reteach occurs, the student is moved on to the next objective in the sequence.

The decision for Review or Reteach is based on the student’s performance. If the student’s performance in a lesson is less than 65%, then SuccessMaker Reading marks items for Scaffolding and Reteach.

Reading Spiral Review