SuccessMaker Reading Overview
SuccessMaker Reading is designed to meet the needs of students in demographic grades K–12 by providing instruction, practice, and assessment with a focus on the most essential reading skills for course-level grades K–8. SuccessMaker Reading offers:
Content that integrates social studies, science, and interdisciplinary themes.
Initial Placement (IP
Initial Placement; the first level of entry into a course.), which uses diagnostic sessions to determine the student’s starting level.
Adaptive Motion that focuses instruction time on content students have yet to master with:
Explicit Instruction and Guided Practice that provides students with scaffolded instruction based on instructional reading level until they’re ready to advance to the next level of complexity.
On-demand intervention including scaffolded feedback and prerequisite instruction triggered when a learner encounters challenges.
Additional Scaffolding activities to support the student in content areas identified as not yet mastered.
Effective, research-based instructional strategies that increase the amount and quality of learning time and accelerate achievement.
Independent reading practice that allows the student to hone the skills they have been building without instructional support, such as the “cognitive coach” and “read to me” audio.
Increased student exposure to nonfiction texts with a range of digital reading selections.
A completely customized learning path built around the program's ongoing, real-time analysis of each learner's actual performance.
Print Partners, which provides additional targeted practice to keep the student learning after the school day ends.
Powerful data management tools to monitor student progress, customize lessons, and forecast achievement.
Age-appropriate themes, characters, cognitive coaches, and tools based on the student’s demographic grade level.
SuccessMaker Reading includes an enrollment option for all courses to provide students with a translation tool.