Add Custom Questions
When adding your own custom questions to a new custom assessment, the questions types available for most programs are:
Multiple choice—students must select one answer choice from a predetermined list. The test item will default to four answer choices, but you can add or remove item answers.
Gridded response—students choose their own answer by filling in the grid rather than choosing an answer from a pre-defined list.
After you've selected the option to write your own questions:
- Select Add question, and then do one of the following for each question you add:
- Enter the question text in the Question box.
- Use the editing toolbar to add bold, italic, or underline formatting.
- Select the image icon to add an image to the question.
- For each possible answer, enter the answer content, and add or remove any extra answer boxes as needed.
- Use the editing toolbar to add bold, italic, or underline formatting.
- Select the image icon to add an image to the question.
- Select which of the answers is the correct answer, and then select Save.
- Enter the question text in the Question box.
- Use the editing toolbar to add bold, italic, or underline formatting.
- Select the image icon to add an image to the question.
- Select the number of Columns needed for the answer.
- Select a Decimal option:
- none—The answer does not contain a decimal.
- floating—The answer may contain a decimal and the student must select the decimal location as part of their answer.
- fixed—The answer does contain a decimal with a fixed location. You must select the decimal location in the #. field.
- Select whether the answer may include a Positive/Negative number.
- Enter the correct answer in the answer boxes, select the corresponding number in each column, and then select Save.
- Optionally, do one or more of the following:
The ability to print tests and answer keys is dependent upon a program's assessment and may not be available for some programs.
Select Print on the bottom of the page and select to print the test and/or the answer key. The test or answer key will queue to the printer.
Select Preview on the top of the page.
When you are done previewing the test, Exit to return to the edit page.
- When finished, select Done.
See Also
Create a New Custom Assessment