Math Student Tools

The following student tools are available throughout the Math course.

Playing Audio

To replay the audio for a question or feedback, select the Play audio button next to the text.

Select the Pause audio button again to stop the audio. Select the Play audio button again to resume the audio.

Multi-Language Translation

If you have the Translate enrollment option turned on for the course, the TextHelp icon displays in the upper right corner of the lesson.

Select or tap the TextHelp icon to turn on the translation for the question or statement in the default Language which is course specific. The speaker icon turns pink. The page border, to the right of the sidebar turns red.

With the translation on, the pink speaker icon appears on the pointer inside the red border. Translated text is displayed to the top left of region marked with red border.

The students can change the translation language by selecting on the ‘Language’ icon in the left menu-bar and select from any of the available languages in the list.

If Spanish language option is provided by the Teacher while creating the course, ‘Spanish’ will be the default translation language.

If Spanish language option is not provided by the Teacher while creating the course, the top one from the available language list will be considered as the default translation language.

The question is read aloud in the selected language, and the Translation window displays the question or statement in the translated text.

Once the student selects any other language and executes at least one learning objective, that language becomes the default for that course unless the student chooses another language. The selected language will be the default for that course throughout the semester until the Student selects a different language.

Keypad Activities

Outside of the student resources, a keypad is also available at specific times. When a computation-based exercise is started, a numeric Keypad appears, minimized in the lower-left corner. During a Speed Games exercise, the Keypad appears on the right side of the screen.

To answer a question, select or tap in the answer box. The numeric keypad opens and then the student can use the Keypad or use the keyboard to enter an answer. Select Done to submit the answer.

If the answer is incorrect, a red X appears by the answer entry box, and an animated character presents feedback. The answer is recorded as incorrect, but the student can select Try Again to enter another answer.

To erase an answer before selecting Done, the student can select or tap in the entry box to the right of the number, and then select Delete on the Keypad.

Drag the Keypad to a different part of the screen if necessary, and select or tap the Minimize button in the upper-right corner of the Keypad to minimize it.

Scratch Pad

The Scratch Pad feature allow students to “write” out math computations in the learning environment. To open the Scratch Pad, select the Menu button, select Tools, and then select Scratch Pad.

Within the Scratch Pad, students can use the Draw option for writing or drawing, and the Erase option to delete the current drawing.

Drag the keypad to a different part of the screen if necessary, and select the X in the upper-right corner to close the Scratch Pad.

The teacher can turn the Scratch Pad setting on or off at any time as often as necessary for a custom course, group assignment, or student assignment. When the Scratch Pad setting is off, the menu option is dimmed, and unavailable for selection. If the Scratch Pad setting is changed while an assignment is in progress, the change will be visible the next time the course is launched.


When available, the Tutorial icon displays at the bottom of the left menu. Tutorials may present a video or a step–by–step exercise of the solution similar to the student’s exercise. Tutorials do not alter the student’s score in the session.

To start a tutorial, select the Tutorial icon and follow the instructions. Once the tutorial is complete, the student returns to the exercise.

Rewards for Progress

All students using Math default or custom-by-settings courses are rewarded for advancing in the course. At the completion of IP and then every 0.25 gain thereafter, students can select a new character when beginning the next session. The rewards motivate students to take ownership of their learning and progress.

Math Response Types