General Pedagogy
The content and structure of the SuccessMaker Math is based on the principles and standards recommended by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) while ensuring students encounter instruction at the right grade level.
The NCTM and the Savvas advisory boards of well-respected experts in the field of teaching mathematics education recommend that students acquire mathematical content and processes through interaction with a rich and wide variety of engaging problem situations. SuccessMaker Math includes virtual manipulatives in real-world contexts for problem solving.
While NCTM advises the importance of “learning with understanding”, NCTM also strongly advocates the need for “computational fluency”. Mathematical experts contend that without the ability to compute accurately and effectively, students’ ability to solve complex problems is severely impaired. SuccessMaker Math provides students with opportunities to engage in contextualized problems that help them make the connection between computations and their applications.