Delete or Remove an Assignment

You can delete or remove an assignment from an individual student or from a group.

Delete Student Assignment

To delete an assignment for an individual student:

  1. Select Courseware in the menu bar, select Assignments, and then select View Assignment next to the assignment you want to remove.

  2. Select the 3-dots next to the student, and then select Remove Student.

  3. Select Remove to confirm, or select Cancel to return to the list of students without removing the assignment from the student.

Delete Group Assignment

To delete a group assignment:

  1. Select Groups in the menu bar, and then select View Group next to the group.

  2. Select the Assignments tab.

  3. Select the 3-dots next to the assignment you want to remove, and then select Delete Assignment.

  4. Select Delete to confirm, or select Cancel to return to the list of assignments without removing the assignment from the group.

See Also