Session History Report
The Session History Report (SHR) for both Math and Reading provides information about any sessions for groups of students and for individual students in the group during a specific time frame. This report will also provide the user with an aggregate of this data when multiple sessions are found during the selected date range. The information includes performance as indicated by the number and percentage of attempted and correctly answered exercises. It also includes information about the date and duration of the student’s session within a given time frame.
The Session History Report is available for all assignment types.
Run the Report
Select Reports on the top menu bar, and then choose Session History Report.
In SAVED REPORT OPTIONS, you can select a saved report option from the previously saved list.
In the GROUPS AND STUDENTS section, do one of the following:
Select Groups, and then select the group(s) you want to include in the report. You can also search for a group in the Search groups box and filter your results.
Select Students, and then select to select each student you want to include in the report. You can also search for a student in the Search students box and filter your results.
In the COURSE SELECTION section, do the following:
In the Subject drop-down list, choose Math or Reading, to run reports for Math or Reading assignments.
In the Assignments drop-down list, select the assignment(s) you want to include in the report, or choose SELECT ALL for all assignments. You can also search for an Assignment in the Search assignments box and filter your results.
In the Filter and Display Options section, you can do one or more of the following:
Sub-grouping—Choose how the information is grouped in the report. Session History will have the unique ability to be grouped by Date.
Date (Only 1 assignment can be selected when choosing to sub-group by date.)
Display—Select how the student is identified in the Student column of the report.
Student Name
Student ID
Student Username.
Select the Mask Student Display box to hide the student names.
In the Sort drop-down list, select how you would want the information to be sorted.
In the Optional Information section, select the Show Last Year Course Level box to add a column for the students’ previous year Course Level in SuccessMaker when applicable.
In the Session Dates section, make the selection for the time period in which you want your report to run using the following:
Date Range: Select a range from Last 7, 14, or 30 days to gather the sessions within that range.
Select a range from the last 7, 14, or 30 days to gather the sessions within that range.
Select Last Session to locate the last date the student ran a session/s. (This will provide all sessions completed on the last day the student worked in the system.)
Select a particular month to display all sessions completed in that particular month for this school year. (As the year progresses, each month after New Year Rollover will be provided to teachers as a possible selection at the beginning of the next month.)
Days of the Week: This allows the teacher to further filter their selection by only specific days of the week. Saturday and Sunday have been combined for convenience.
Select Save Report Options to save your selection for the next time you run the report, and then do one of the following:
In the Name and save this new custom report configuration text box, type a unique name for your report options, and then select Save.
You can Select an existing custom report configuration to be replaced/updated, and then select Save.
Optionally, select Reset to revert any changes made to the default selections made in the form.
Select Run Report. Your report opens in a new window/tab.
Use the PDF or CSV buttons in the top right of your browser window to export the report, if desired. See Getting Started with Reports for more information about exporting.
Read the Report Data
Element | Data Description |
Report Title | Title of the Report |
Course Name | Name of the selected course. |
Report Run | Date and time the report was generated reflects the district’s time zone. |
School | Name of school. |
Teacher | Teacher's name. |
Grade | Grade level. |
Group | Name of group. |
Selected Options | Provides a summary of the report options selected for this report. |
Legend | Brief description of the abbreviations and symbols that appear in the report data. |
Date Range | Exact dates and days of the weeks included in the report. (If the teacher runs a Last 7 Day report on 9/12 they will receive 09/5/2023 - 09/12/2023, All days of the week in this field.) |
Element | Data Description |
Usage Goal Status |
Visualization displaying where a student is at in relation to their usage goals in the form of a bar graph. A new bar graph will appear at the top of the page based on the Sub-Grouping selected. If no Sub-Grouping is selected then this will be based on assignment. The percentages depicted in the bar graph are based on where the student is in relation to their usage goals through the end of the date range and are categorized by the following:
Element | Data Description |
Student | Student's first and last name, and either the student ID or the user name based on the option selected in the Report Options. |
Last Year Course Level | Course Level at which the student finished the previous year in SuccessMaker when applicable. |
Course Level | Course level at which the student is working in the course. If in IP Initial Placement; the first level of entry into a course., field displays In IP. |
Raw Performance |
Exercises Correct / Attempted |
Usage |
The Usage section provides data for all sessions taken during the specified range.
Aggregate Row | An aggregate row will be provided for a student when multiple sessions are reported in the range selected by the user. This aggregate row will provide the user with an accurate total of the Raw Performance and Usage for the Student’s sessions. |
Element | Data Description |
Mean | Average of all selected students for whom actual data is displayed in the report, excluding Session Date. Any column with (- -) is not included in this calculation. |
Standard Deviation | Standard deviation of all selected students in the report, excluding Date. Any column with (- -) is not included in this calculation. |
Element | Data Description |
Notes |
Explanations, comments, or additional information about items in the report. |
See Also