Score an Assessment with Rubrics

If questions in an assessment contain a rubric, you can use the rubric criteria to score the student's performance.

  1. Click Classes on the top menu bar, and select one of your classes below.
  2. On the left navigation pane, click Assignments, and select Assignments by Class and then select an open-ended assignment.
  3. Select the student, and then click Score to add or modify the score for the completed activity.
  4. Click the arrow to the left of the question to review the student's answer.
  5. Do one of the following to score a question:
    • If the question contains a rubric, click View Rubric below the Question score box, select the correct rubric score, click Save & Close, and then click Save and continue, to move on to the next question.
    • If the question does not contain a rubric, enter the numerical score in the box, and then click Save and continue, to move on to the next question.
  6. Repeat the appropriate steps for each question in the assignment.
  7. When you are finished scoring each question, click Send score to Student.

The manual scoring box is disabled for students transferred from a different teacher. The Save and Close button will change to a Close button and the Score Using Rubric button will change to a View Rubric button for these students.

In Review Mode, you will not be able to select rubric items for students transferred from a different teacher.

Prior teachers can't view information about a transferred student. The new teacher will be able to access the transferred students information only from the Assignment workflow.

See Also