
You can use the Notebook feature to add notes to assigned content or to respond to activities with notebook prompts. Once you turn in your completed assignment, your teacher can view your notebook responses within Realize.

You can also respond to notebook prompts and manage your notes by selecting theMenu button on the top menu bar.

There are two kinds of Realize Reader assignments and the features you can use to complete your assignment depend on the type:

Add a Comment to your Note

Once you respond to a notebook prompt, you can add a comment or question for your teacher's feedback. You can both use this feature to communicate back and forth in the same comment thread. If you delete a notebook response, your comment thread is retained.

Notebook prompt response feature for making notes and adding a comment for the teacher.

Respond to Notebook Prompts

  1. If your assignment contains a Notebook prompt, select the Notebook button found in the text.

    Discuss It activity displaying Notebook prompt icon.

  2. Type your response into the text box, and then select Close.

View the Notebook / All Notes

  1. Select Menu in the book, and then select Notebook.
  2. Select All Notes to display the Notebook and a list of all the notes in the current book.

    List of all notes in the book with a text editor box for adding more notes.

  3. Choose the Unit Assignments, Notes, and/or Question options to filter the list of notes.
  4. Type your response to a notebook prompt in the text box provided, and then select Done.
  5. When you have completed your responses, select the close icon Close icon..

Add a Note

  1. Select Menu in the book, and then select Notebook.
  2. Select Add Note, and then type up to 1,000 characters into the text editor box.

    Add Note feature of Notebook with text editor box.

  3. Select Done. The note is saved, and will be displayed in the list of notes for the current book.

Search the Notebook

  1. Select Menu in the book, and then select Notebook.
  2. Select on All Notes to display the Notebook and view all notes that have been created in the current book.
  3. In a Realize Reader Selected ReadingClosed Realize Reader Selected Reading (RRSR) opens in a new window that displays the entire book and enables the completion of the activities using the full set of Realize Reader tools and navigation features. activity, select the Table of Contents or Date button to sort the list of notes.
  4. Choose the Unit Assignments, Notes, and/or Question options to filter the list results.
  5. Type a word or term into the Search Notebook box, and then press Enter. The list will filter according to search terms and/or selected filters.

Search Notebook feature does not work offline.

Edit or Delete a Note

  1. Select Menu in the book, and then select Notebook.
  2. Select All Notes to display the Notebook and view all notes that have been created in the current book.
  3. Select on a note to edit in the text editor box, and then select Done to save changes.
  4. In a Realize Reader Selected ReadingClosed Realize Reader Selected Reading (RRSR) opens in a new window that displays the entire book and enables the completion of the activities using the full set of Realize Reader tools and navigation features. activity, select the delete icon to delete the note. If a note is deleted, a confirmation message displays, along with an Undo button.

If you delete a Notebook prompt response with comments, the Notebook response is removed but the associated comment thread is retained.

Exit the Notebook

Select the close icon Close icon. in the Notebook panel to return to the Menu.

See Also