Google Docs Assignments

When your teacher assigns you a Google Docs™ assignment in Google Classroom™, you can make changes directly in the Realize assignment viewer.

Complete a Google Docs Assignment

Type your answers in the document, and use the Google Docs toolbar to apply bullets, numbering, or any other available formatting options. When you are done editing the document, click the Mark as Complete button in the tab.

If you see a Google Docs message indicating that you need permission, you may need to reestablish your connection to Google Classroom.

  1. Open a new browser tab and sign in to Google Classroom.
  2. Return to the Realize browser tab and refresh your browser.
    Do not click the Request Access or Switch accounts buttons.

If you see a message that Google cannot connect, your teacher may need to click Sync with Google to re-sync the assignment.

If the Google Docs assignment was assigned to you in Realize, and your class is not synced with Google Classroom, the document is View only; however, you can download a local copy of the document.

View a Completed Google Docs Assignment

Once you have turned in a Google Docs assignment, you can no longer edit the document, but you can use the Google Doc commenting features to add comments your teacher can later review.

See Also