Complete an Essay Assignment

Essay assignments are unique, adaptive assignments that require you to provide a written answer to a question. While answering essay questions in the assignment viewer, you will see feedback if you have not met the requirements. This enables you to improve your work before you submit your assignment.

  1. Select Classes on the top menu bar. If you are in more than one class, select the class from the list.
  2. On the Assignments page, select the To do tab above the assignment list. Each assignment shows when it's due, as well as your score, if you have completed the assignment.
  3. To begin, select your essay assignment, and then select the essay item in the list of assigned work. Assignments that require a written answer are often indicated by one of the following essay icons.

  4. Use the space and tools provided to complete the essay in the assignment viewer.
  5. When you finish, select Get Feedback to view your progress.

  6. Depending on the type of essay, select Overall Score or the score criteria links for feedback that can help you improve your essay.

  7. If you have made changes to your essay text, select Update Feedback to see if your changes improved your score.
  8. When you are done, select Submit essay.

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