Send Report Data

Use the (Send) option in a report to send a one-time email, secure file transfer, or send the file to your Google Drive of the report's data for easy access outside of Realize Reports. The encrypted data is sent in CSVClosed comma separated values format to an email address or to the SFTPClosed Secure File Transfer Protocol folder, or Google Drive folder that you specify. Realize Reports uses secure email encryption to ensure school and student data is protected. If you select to email your report, you will be asked to confirm your identity before you can access the decrypted data.

Large data sets (over 15 MB) cannot be delivered via email. It may take up to one hour for an error notification to reach your email Inbox. If you emailed a large data set that was not received, you can resend it using the SFTP or Google Drive option.

Send To Email, Secure File Transfer, or Google Drive

  1. After setting the filters and running the report data, click (Send).
  2. Review the filtered report description under Send Report. If the data and/or filter selections are incorrect, return to the report's page and rerun the data using new filter selections.
  3. Enter a descriptive Report Name for the filtered data.
  4. To send the data via email:
    1. Select Email under Send To.
    2. Enter one or more email addresses.
    3. Add a message for the email recipients (optional).
    4. Click Send Now.
    5. Click OK in the Report Sent confirmation.
    6. Check your email to confirm your identify and access the secured report data.
  5. To securely transfer the data:
    1. Select SFTP, under Send To.
    2. Enter the SFTP URL address.
    3. Enter your user name and password for the SFTP service.
    4. Click Send Now.
  6. To send the report data to Google Drive, complete the following steps:
    1. Select Google Drive under Send To.
      1. If you are a first-time user, sign in with your Google account. Note that Realize Reports uses a Looker Google Integration to transmit your reports to Google.
      2. Read the instructions and policies, and click Continue to allow additional access to Google integration.
      3. Click Verify to verify your Google account.
    2. Select the Google Drive from the drop-down list where your file will be saved.
    3. Select the Google Drive folder from the drop-down list where your file will be saved.
    4. Click Send Now.

To view the info and status of sent reports, click Manage, and select Sent Reports.

See Also