
In the Mastery page, you can view student mastery performance of assessed skills and standards for any type of Math or Reading course. The mastery status and performance information provided includes performance during IPClosed Initial Placement; the first level of entry into a course..

  1. Select Mastery on the top menu bar.

  2. In the FILTERS section:

    • Below STEP 1: Select Groups or Students do one of the following :

      • Select Groups, and then press to select each group you want to include in the report, or choose SELECT ALL for all groups.

      • Select Students, and then press to select each student you want to include in the report, or choose SELECT ALL for all students.

    • Below STEP 2: Refine Search:

      • In the Subject box, choose Math or Reading.

      • In the Skills/Standards box, select a framework.

      • In the Assignments box, select the assignment(s) you want to include in the report, or choose SELECT ALL for all assignments.

  3. Select Apply Filter. Based on your filter selections, the students' assessed objectives display, along with the number of students who have mastered each. Select Reset to reset back to default values.

  4. Select the arrow to the right of an assessed objective to view individual student performance for that objective, then select the left arrow at the top to return to the Mastery page.

  5. Select the Run Report button at the bottom of the page to view the Mastery report.

You can view a snapshot of your students' mastery performance in the Mastery panel on the dashboard.

See Also