Explore the Teacher Dashboard
The Teacher Dashboard provides you with an at-a-glance view into student performance and quick access to your courses A series of lessons within a curriculum. Courses are default or customized courseware that is delivered via licensing to a district or school and that contains content defined by the SuccessMaker product and the Math or Reading subject. and the features you use most. The Dashboard includes a panel for each of the following areas:
Courses Panel—Displays the default SuccessMaker Math and Reading courses, and up to two custom courses. Select the Assign button for a course to quickly assign that course to students, or select View All to open the Courses page to view all of your courses.
Mastery—Displays your students' performance for the top three and bottom three assessed skills and standards, including the percent mastered. Use the boxes to view select Math or Reading, select a skill or standard framework, and choose one or more assignments. Select View All to see a complete picture of student mastery performance.
Student Usage and Usage Goals—This panel provides an at-a-glance view of your students' usage and progress toward usage goals.
The Student Usage tab shows the number of minutes or hours the student has spent in Math and/or Reading courses for THIS WEEK, LAST WEEK, and the SCHOOL YEAR so far. Use the assignments drop-down to select or clear assignment selections and then select Apply Filter to update the graph.
Select the Usage Goals tab to see the percentage of students who have met each goal status for default Math and Reading courses. Select the View #/# students working towards goal link to see each student's progress toward their usage goals.
Announcements— Displays the most recent product SuccessMaker announcements. Select View All to open the SuccessMaker Announcements and Resources website where you can find the latest release notes, system requirements, and additional support resources.
Assignments— Displays your four most recent assignments
A lesson or set of lessons that a student is expected to complete. Once a default or customized course is assigned to students or groups, they are referred to as assignments., along with the number of students with the assignment. Select the assignment name to view the assignment details, or select View More to view all of your assignments.
Top Menu Bar—Provides access to your Students, Groups, Courseware, Mastery, and Reports.
Select Home from anywhere in SuccessMaker to return to the Dashboard.
Select the
button to find Help for the SuccessMaker feature you are using.
Select the arrow to the right of your name to view or make changes to your profile.
See Also