Assignment Details
Select Courseware in the menu bar, select Assignments, and then select View Assignment next to the assignment A lesson or set of lessons that a student is expected to complete. Once a default or customized course is assigned to students or groups, they are referred to as assignments. you want to view.
You can toggle between Assigned To and Mastery tab to view performance mastery information for the assignment.
By default, Assigned To tab will be displayed.
In the Assigned To tab, you can see a list of all the students with the selected assignment.
The assignment title will be displayed on the top left along with the total number of Active and Paused Students.
Select Assign button below the assignment title to assign this assignment to additional students.
Select the 3-dots menu to;
Assignment Settings
Pause All Students
Delete Assignment
Select Back icon, located at the left of the assignment image to navigate back to the assignment listing page.
In the Assigned To listing page, the following columns are available:
Select any column header to sort the list by that column.
Last Session
IP Level
Assigned Level
Current Level
% Correct
3-dots - Quick action menu
- Fluency Files (#)—View the student's fluency files.
- Assignment Settings—Edit the student's settings for this assignment.
Pause Assignment For Student—Pause this assignment for the student.
Resume Assignment For Student—If paused, resume this assignment for the student.
Remove Student—Remove this assignment from the student.
Press on the student row or the Plus icon to the left of the student row to show or hide the students details:
Skills Tested—This chart shows the student's skill performance for the assignment.
By default, the skills tested are shown for the Last Session.
In the Last Session dropdown box, select one or more additional sessions, and then select Apply Filter.
Progress—This interactive graph shows the student's progress (gain) over time against the student's target levels so you can follow their performance through the year for default Math and Reading courses or custom courses based on settings. See Monitor Student Progress for more information on using the progress monitoring graph.
See Also