Assignments by Students
You can view how a student is progressing and performing on all the assignments in your class, read a student's assignment comments, and add your own comments.
- Click Classes on the top menu bar, and select one of your classes below.
- On the left navigation pane, click Assignments, and then select Assignments by Students tab. You can see the students in the class, along with the number of assignments assigned and completed, and each student's average score.
You can sort the assignments by Due Date or Assignment Title.
For classes synced with Google Classroom™, the Assignment status column includes each student's connection status.
The first time students access a Realize assignment from Google Classroom, they are prompted to provide their Google Classroom sign-in information and grant Realize access to their Google Classroom account. Until they grant Realize access to Google Classroom or link their account, they will either display as Needs to connect on the Students & Groups page or will not yet be present in the class roster on this same page. If they are not present this is expected for Imported classes as noted at the top of that page in Realize.
- Click an assignment to view the student's progress for the assigned work.
- In the left navigation pane, you could see the following statuses:
- Turned In - displays the list of students who turned in
- In Progress - displays the work in progress assignments
- Not Started - displays the students who are yet to start the assignment.
- An Overall Score column indicates each student's overall score for the assignment. Overall Score is calculated by taking the average of scored items.
If a student completes additional work after submitting the assignment, the score is not automatically updated.
- For some assignments, you can click Score to manually change the Overall Score of the assignment. If a student attached a file, click the paper clip icon to download the attachment.
- Review the student's comments or enter a comment the student can view in Comments.
- For auto-scored items, click Review to review progress for Completed or In Progress assignments.
- For activities not auto-scored, click Review and Score to view and score an activity in the assignment viewer.
- Click the back arrow to return to the Assignments by student tab.
See Also
Review Assignment Activity Progress
Review and Score Assignment Activities
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