Student Report for Diagnostic Assessments
If you are subscribed to a Savvas Screener and Diagnostic Assessments product (e.g. Math Screener and Diagnostic or Literacy Screener and Diagnostic Assessments), the Student Report tab provides you with individual student performance data for completed diagnostic assessments.
- Select the Student Report tab.
The Overall Score (scale score A scale score is a score that can be compared with other tests on the same scale. For MSDA Diagnostic assessments, scale scores can be used to measure growth over time.) shows the student's overall scale score and their national percentile ranking for the assessment. The scale to the right shows where the student's performance lies within score ranges for Does Not Meet, Approaching, Meets, and Exceeds expectations.
Scale Score ExampleA score of 1300 on a Level A Diagnostic (Kindergarten) means roughly the same as a score of 1300 on a Level B Diagnostic (Grade 1). So, if a student scored a 1300 in Kindergarten and a 1350 in Grade 1, we can say that their math achievement increased by 50 scale score points.
Use the Performance by Domain chart to view the student's scale score for each domain in the assessment, along with their performance category for that domain.
Select the domains to see information about the skills that, based on the student's score, the student likely has Relative Strengths, Areas for Improvement, and a Stretch Goal.
Use the drop-down at the top of the tab to select a different student.
Select Print Student Report to open a printable version of the report.
See Also