Program Resources

You can search through a program's content using the program Resources. Use a search bar to find the content you are looking and filter the search results.

Find and Assign Program Resources

  1. Click Browse on the top menu bar, and then select the program.
  2. To filter your results, do one of the following:
    • Search Resources - Type a keyword search term in the search box, and then click Search. To reset your search, click the keyword delete icon in the search box.
    • Filters - Select one or more of the available filters. To remove a filter, click the remove filter icon next to the filter list.
    • Standards - Select a Grade or Standard from the drop-down lists.

    Depending on the program, content items may display an item type or status icon and have additional options.

  3. Do one of the following to select and assign content:

    • If an arrow displays to the right of the activity, click it to drill further into the content.
    • For multi-activity assignments, click Assign All to assign all of the activities, or select the check box next to two or more activities, and then click Assign Selected.
    • For single-activity assignments, click Assign below the activity name.

    You can also assign content from the content itself using the action toolbar:

    • In the action toolbar of the content, you can expand the content view by clicking the button, as well as view the estimated time it takes to complete the content.

    • For single-activity assignments, click Assign. You can then assign the activity to your students.
    • Easily add activities to a playlist by clicking the Add to Playlist button.

  4. In the Create Assignment page, fill the following fields:
    • Title
    • Start date
    • Due date
  5. Select the Set start and end times check box to select the start and end times for the assignment.

    Students can turn in an assignment after the assigned due date and time; however, the status will indicate the assignment was late.

  6. In the Assign To search box, enter the name of the class, group, or student you want to assign to. Enter the first letter and scroll to the class, group, or student. Search for students using 'last, first' names and click Add. To remove the items from the list, click Remove.

  7. In addition, you can add instructions while creating an assignment.

  8. Click Assign to finish.

See Also